Calendar - 2021

Beginning of the Year Day 2021

CalendarSaturday, 9 October 2021, 3 pm, Tuke Hall, Regent's University London, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4NS

"YOU ARE NOT LACKING IN ANY SPIRITUAL GIFT" The Beginning of the Year Day will be held on Saturday 9th October at 3pm. This will be a ticketed event in person with the option of following the live-streaming from home/in small groups. To allow social...

Fraternity Exercises 2021

Calendar16-18 April 2021, via livestream

"IS THERE HOPE?" Due to the Covid emergency, this year's Fraternity Exercises will be live streamed from Italy between 16-18 April 2021. Each member of the Fraternity should have received a letter from Fr. Carrón detailing the title of this year's...

Good Friday. It is possible to live like Jesus

CalendarFriday, 2 April 2021, 10:30 am, via Zoom

IT IS POSSIBLE TO LIVE LIKE JESUS The Passion of Christ through a path of readings, meditations and music As Fr Carron recently reminded us: “… It is a great gift to be able to live the passion of Jesus by identifying ourselves with the experience of...

Presentation of "Education. Communicating one's self"

CalendarSaturday, 24 April 2021, 7 pm, via Zoom

On Saturday, 24 April, the CL community in the Netherlands invites us to an online presentation of Fr. Carrón's book Education. Communicating one's self, with Fr. Julián Carrón, author of the book and President of the Fraternity of Communion and...

Notes of Nostalgia

CalendarSaturday, 13 March 2021, 9 pm, via Zoom

On the 13 March at 9.00 pm, the CL community in Ireland invite us to an evening of music and poetry with Prof. Pier Paolo Bellini, who will introduce Chopin’s Rain Drop Prelude and Ballade N. 1 through the poems of G. Pascoli. "Life lies beyond the...

Masses for the 16th anniversary of Fr. Giussani's death


“In the difficult circumstances we are called to share with all our brothers and sisters, we ask the Lord to grant us the watchful and grateful awareness of the gift received in our encounter with Fr. Giussani’s charism, that we may continue to better...

Fraternity Lent Retreat

CalendarSunday, 21 February 2021, 3 pm, via Zoom

The Lent Retreat for the members of the Fraternity of CL will take place on Sunday 21 February at 3 pm. To prepare for the retreat, please send in questions, witnesses or relevant facts keeping in mind the following question: What is reawakening...

Etty Hillesum: Uninterrupted Dialogue with God

CalendarSaturday, 6 February 2021, 8:30 pm, via Zoom

Some members of the CL community in Dublin have prepared an exhibition on Etty Hillesum. On Saturday 6 February at 8:30 pm, we invite everyone to listen to an exhibition on Etty Hillesum prepared by some members of the CL Community in Dublin. The title...

"Education: Communicating one’s self"

CalendarSaturday, 30 January 2021, 8 pm, via Youtube live stream

On the initiative of some teachers from Communion and Liberation, on Saturday, January 30 at 8pm (GMT) there will be an online public meeting entitled: "Education: Communicating one’s self. Growing and helping others grow during a pandemic.” It will be a...