London based Fraternity Members - Assembly on Fraternity Groups

Sunday 13th October, 3pm, parish hall of Blessed Sacrament Church, 157 Copenhagen Street, London, N1 0SR

We wish to hold an assembly about fraternity groups, to help each other to deepen our awareness of what the proposal of a Fraternity group is and to understand the life of the groups in London. This assembly is for members of the Fraternity living in London, and is for all members of the fraternity, whether currently part of a fraternity group or not. We can now confirm that the assembly will take place at 3pm on Sunday 13th October in the parish hall of Blessed Sacrament Church, 157 Copenhagen Street, London, N1 0SR.

Below is the provocation that we sent out before the summer, which we hope can provide a useful starting point for this work.

The idea guiding the Fraternity is the discovery that an adult is just as responsible for his work and family as he is for his sanctity, for his life as a path to sanctity, that is to say, for his life as vocation. The adult, in so far as he is responsible, joins up with others who recognize the same responsibility before life as vocation. According to the method the Movement teaches, everyone should desire a Fraternity group, even though adherence to it is personal. (Fr. Giussani, Directory for Fraternity groups).
Does the Fraternity group help my vocational path? Is it an essential part of this path?

If there is one among us who takes responsibility for reminding everyone what the Movement is saying, it simplifies the path for everyone. This is substantially the function of the prior ... Then the figure of the visitor helps to free our gaze from the criterion of judgment we often have about the things we experience. (Davide Prosperi, meeting with priors of Lombardy).
Does the structure and rule proposed for the Fraternity groups help us in our path? What questions do we have?

Let us not forget that the ultimate purpose for which the Fraternity exists, and therefore for which Fraternity groups also make sense, is the development of the Movement, that is, so that the charism that we have encountered can grow as an awareness in all those who encounter it and so that it can increasingly become a place of encounter for all those who have not yet had the opportunity to know Christ. (Davide Prosperi, assembly with priors of Lombardy).
Does the Fraternity group help us in the task of building the Movement?

To help with this work we propose to work on the texts Directory for Fraternity groups, in the book The Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, and on the assembly of Davide Prosperi with the priors of Lombardy from 11 December 2023. Both of these texts are available on the Fraternity website.