Masses for the 19th anniversary of Fr. Giussani's death
On the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Fr. Luigi Giussani (Feb. 22, 2005) and the 42nd anniversary of the pontifical recognition of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation (February 11, 1982), Masses are scheduled to be celebrated and around the world, presided over by cardinals and bishops.
The intention of the Masses is as follows:
Grateful for the gift of the charism given by the Holy Spirit to Fr. Giussani, we desire to serve the Church and her pastors with all our energy, certain that only in the daily following of Christ and His Vicar is it possible to live true unity among ourselves and to serve the good of the people of our time.
May Mary Queen of Peace guide the path of the whole movement and intercede for peace in the world.
Below are details of the confirmed Masses celebrated in the UK:
- EASTLEIGH: Sunday, 11th February at 4.30pm (St Edward the Confessor Church, 191 Winchester Rd, Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh SO53 2DU) - Celebrated by Fr. Raffaele Cossa
- LONDON: Thursday 15th February at 7.30pm (St George's Cathedral, Southwark) - Celebrated by Archbishop John Wilson
- NORTH WEST: Sunday 18th February at 5.30pm, following Lent Retreat (Our Lady and St Christopher, SK6 3BA, Stockport) - celebrated by Fr. John Paul Raj
- CAMBRIDGE: Wednesday 21st February at 6.30pm, Our Lady and English Martyrs - celebrated by Right Reverent Alan Hopes, Bishop Emeritus of East Anglia
If you are celebrating one in your local community which is not mentioned above, please let the Secretary Team know.