They constantly surprise me
Current EventsAbout 30 teenagers gather for meetings, organize parties, and try to get their classmates involved, because as Fr. Pepe often reminds them, “they have the same wound you do.”
About 30 teenagers gather for meetings, organize parties, and try to get their classmates involved, because as Fr. Pepe often reminds them, “they have the same wound you do.”
Cardinal Pietro Parolin conveyed His Holiness Pope Francis' message to the thirty-seventh edition of the Rimini Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples.
Following the Brexit decision, the UK CL community has prepared a statement that points towards a challenge: "Is the other good or not?"
A verse by John Donne is the title of this year's event. Brexit, Astor Piazzolla and a keynote speech by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. An account of what happened on 11 June.
Saturday, 11 June, the annual event in the British capital. A day of meetings, exhibitions and music, to offer the city a new hypothesis upon the crisis of our time. And rediscover the value of "the other".
"I wanted to witness to the Pope our desire to follow him, to become ever more one with his gaze on men and women, and on the world." Fr. Julian Carrón met His Holiness Pope Francis in a private audience on April 14, 2016.
The stories of a small group of Londoners who visited the refugee slum on the French coast. From the surprise of a simple "welcome" to lunch together. But now the bulldozers have begun dismantling everything...
More than 500 people gathered in Reading for the Norther European assembly with Fr. Carrón. The theme, "Back to the Origin". Many testimonies of faith, so as not to forget the novelty that is lived in the present: "The origin is in the present".